And they lived Happily Ever After...

Chelsea and Jay

March 7, 2020
  • Not Your Average Fairy Tale

    The Jedi and the Sith. The Pirate and the Mermaid. The Gryffindor and the Slytherin. Hopps and Wilde. Korra and Mako. Wonder Woman and Clark Kent.

    Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Chelsea. She was creative, stubborn, and nothing but determined.

    In a far-off kingdom, there lived a boy who was known by many names, but for purposes of this story we'll call him Jay. He was clever, brave, and daring.

    One day, Chelsea flew on her flying bison to the magical world of theme parks and she went on many adventures with her best friend Duffy Bear. Jay was off roaming the world and having very different sorts of adventures. His friends were less cuddly, and had more teeth. While Chelsea was riding roller coasters and taking pictures with talking mice, Jay was diving deep under the ocean with sharks and hiking through the woods with wolves.

    It seemed they would never meet, but fate intervened.

    Jay suddenly found himself cruising the rivers of the world, taking unsuspecting tourists into the heart of the jungle for grand adventure and bad jokes. Chelsea had been cruising those very waters for the past two years.

    At last, on dock, they noticed each other.

    And the rest was history.