Welcome Family and Friends
Update: In light of COVID-19, we wanted to let you know our wedding is going forward as planned. If you’re no longer able to attend, we completely understand. You can update your RSVP by calling or texting 615-967-7932, and we wish you health and safety during this difficult time.
We can't wait to celebrate our special day with you! We have created this website to keep everyone up to date as we are #BecomingTheBeverlys!
Our Love Story
It all started because of Bud...By: Jonathan
My dog, Bud, is the real reason I get to spend my life with Amanda. Back in 2017, we were both on an online dating site looking for love. Amanda says she came across my profile and swiped because of my picture with Bud...man-o-man am I glad for that boy.
After texting/talking for THREE WEEKS and navigating a hectic schedule, we finally were able to meet at Olive Garden in Murfreesboro. What seemed like twenty minutes was actually three hours talking about life, our families, our careers, and what we want out of life. All I could do is think how beautiful this woman was and how lucky I was to be sitting across from her. The date continued to McDonald's for a shamrock shake, Amanda's favorite. At the end of the night, I took a leap of faith and a bold step...I told her flat out I wanted to see her again. Luckily, she said she wanted to see me again too.
Fast forward a few months...we fell for each other, hard. I couldn't help but think of a life with her. We began to travel with each other to see new cities, favorite artists, our sport's teams, and old friends. Our relationship grew stronger, and I knew that she was the one for me.
Amanda was teaching at a school in another county and wanted to move closer to home. While I was ready to pop the question the following summer, she announced she would be going to another school next August. It was then that I promised myself that I would ask her on the last day to be my wife.
School, holidays, and breaks came and went. I went to the jewelry store and phoned her sister, Courtney, for some help and walked out with a ring as beautiful as the bride I hoped to have. I had to wait to ask her parents, excitment was too much and school was not out just yet.
Finally school let out for summer and she was free. I developed a ruse to get her to the spot, photographer ready. Two hours after the final school bell, I got down on one knee... but was prepared for two... and this blue eyed, blonde haired beauty agreed to be my wife.
It all started with a swipe...By: Amanda
Back in 2017, I was trying to navigate the world of dating apps when I came across the profile of a cute guy that said, ‘I’ll never refuse tacos or tequila and you can’t mind me quoting Michael Scott or speaking a little Spanish to you.’ (What’s not to love?) I was scrolling through his photos when I saw an adorable picture of him with his dog. I knew I wanted to meet him so I swiped right hoping it would be a match and sent him a message saying ‘hello.’ A little while later, my phone chimed with a response, ‘Well didn’t my night just get better!’ In true girl fashion, I texted my two best friends Jonathan’s profile and asked for advice on how to respond.
After weeks of talking almost daily, we planned a date. We decided to meet at Olive Garden in Murfreesboro. We ate and talked and before we knew it several hours had passed. Neither of us wanted the date to end and I discovered that Jonathan had never tried a Shamrock Shake before (my favorite) so we headed to McDonalds. After another hour or so of talking, he walked me to my car and told me very boldly that he wanted to see me again. Of course, I agreed! On the way home, I called my friends to tell them all about Jonathan and the amazing date I had just gone on.
As the months passed, we navigated seeing each other around travel plans and crazy work schedules. I knew I was falling hard for him and all of my friends kept asking me when I was going to tell him how I was feeling. I couldn’t believe I had met such a great guy that had me constantly laughing (from horrible dad jokes) and dreaming about what the future could hold. I knew I had found the one.
Over the next year, we grew closer to each other’s friends and families, traveled to several different countries, and began talking about a future together. As the school year began, Jonathan became very persistent about going on a trip in June. He said that we NEEDED to go somewhere. I started to get suspicious, but didn’t want to assume. Throughout the year, as jury duty, summer jobs, and his work threatened to get in the way, Jonathan continued to say we HAD to go on this trip in June. Now I was very suspicious and thought he was definitely going to propose on our June trip. Little did I know he had other plans.
On the last day of school (a 2 hour day), Jonathan asked me if I wanted to go to a fundraising event for the Boys and Girls Club at the Oaklands Mansion. He said that he wanted to meet some of the Boys and Girls Club board members and that some of the people we know from Rotary would be there. Not thinking anything of it, I said sure.
After school that day, I got ready and we headed to the Mansion. When we pulled into the parking lot I thought it was odd that there were no other cars in the parking lot. Jonathan quickly said something about most people probably parking around back (good save Jonathan). We got out of the car and walked around to the back of the Mansion. When we got to the garden, he got down on one knee and surprised me. I quickly said, YES!!