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    Next, you must write about the preparations that you have undertaken to realize your dreams. You can write about your scores in academics and extracurricular activities that you have excelled in. Correlate them with the program that you have applied for. You can also mention any additional course, training or work experience that you have undergone in relation to the graduate program.

    For example –

    I am particularly interested in researching the ties between the structural engineering, geomechanics, and applied mechanics. I hope to be involved in some structurally related research at First Choice U. I am particularly interested in two research facilities: The Structures and Composites Laboratory and the Earthquake Engineering Center.

    Lastly, you will have to basically answer the question “Why do you wish to attend this college?” This will require a bit of research. Do not go overboard and praise the college sky high. Be very frank and sincere and describe why you feel that this particular school would help you realize your dreams?

    The essay can be written in first person but that does not mean that you can submit an autobiography to them. Be objective in your approach but do not get too personal. Remember the objective of the essay and give information that is relevant. Do not adopt a conciliatory tone and try to lecture the reader. This will not go down well with the College Board. Instead be respectful and diplomatic.

    If you have scored low marks in a semester or GRE exams, you can make a mention of it in the essay and provide an explanation for the same. Do not blame your faculty or the school for your non-performance. Your explanations should be excusable and at the same time understandable.